Cheat Games All Trainer Game
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Devil May Cry 4 +11 Trainer Dx9 Version

Hotkey Options
* F1 Infinite Health
* F2 Super Speed
* F3 Add 1000 Orbs
* F4 Infinite Devil Triggel
* F5 One Hit Kill
* F6 Slow Motion Enemies
* F7 Enemies Can't Move
Numpad 1 Restore Enemy Movement
* F8 Easy Style Points
* F9 Enable Item Mainpulating System
1 Add 5 Holy Hater
2 Add 5 Devil stars
3 Add 5 Gold Orbs
4 Add 5 Vital Stars
5 Add 1000 Proud Souls
* Numpad 2 Save Position
Numpad 3 Restore Position
* F10 Stupid Enemis
Cheat By: Gamershell
Dead Space 2 +11 Trainer

F1 - unlimited muni
F2 - unlimited health
F3 - unlimited power
F4 - 1 hit kill
F5 - unimited oxygen,
F6 - always running
F7 - no timelimit
F8 - add 10000 credits
F9 - 500 powernotes
F10 - unlimited slowmotion
F11 - ghostmode
All cheats on/off
Cheat made by: Softpedia
Cheat Point Blank 14 Maret 2013 Update PB Cheat Wallhack dan Banyak lagi
Tutorial pakai Cheat:
1. Buka Point Blank
2. Buka Cheat (jangan tekan ok dulu)
3. Start Point Blank
4. Enjoy It
Cheat By. Pekalongan Community
Tutorial pakai Cheat:
1. Buka Point Blank
2. Buka Cheat (jangan tekan ok dulu)
3. Start Point Blank
4. Enjoy It
Cheat By. Pekalongan Community
Cheat Need For Speed Need For Speed: Underground 2 in buttons
Need For Speed: Underground 2 PC Cheats
Enter the following codes without spaces at the press enter screen before loading a profile (not all work in career mode):
- ordermybaby
- Gives $1,000 to start Career mode, and Unlocks Nissan Skyline and Mazda RX-8 in Quick Race - regmebaby
- Gives you $20,000 to start Career mode with - needperformance2
- Unlocks Performance Upgrades Tier 2 - gimmevisual2
- Unlocks Visual Upgrades Tier 2 - needmybestbuy
- Unlocks Best Buy Sponsor Vinyl - gottahavebk
- Unlocks Burger King Sponsor Vinyl - gotmycingular
- Unlocks Cingular Sponsor Vinyl - gottaedge
- Unlocks Edge Sponsor Vinyl - goforoldspice
- Unlocks Old Spice Sponsor Vinyl - needperformance1
- Unlocks Performance Upgrades Tier 1 - gimmevisual1
- Unlocks Visual Upgrades Tier 1
Need For Speed: Underground 2 Playstation 2 Cheats
Enter the following codes at the main menu (not all work in career mode):
- Up, Down, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right
- Best Buy Car - Left, Left, Right, Square, Square, Right, L1, R1
- $1000 in career, RX-8 and Skyline in Quick Race - Up, Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left
- Unlocks Hummer H2 Capone - Up, Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left
- Unlocks Spyder 850 HP - L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, R2, R2, O, O, Square
- Unlock Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII
Need For Speed: Underground 2 Xbox Cheats
Enter the following codes at the main menu (not all work in career mode):
- Up, Down, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right
- Best Buy Car - Left, Left, Right, X, X, Right, L, R
- $1000 cash - Down, R, R, R, Black, Black, Black, X
- Unlocks all circuit tracks - Up, Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left
- Unlocks Hummer H2 Capone - Down, Down, L, White, L, White, L, Down
- Unlocks Nissan Skyline GT-R
Need For Speed: Underground 2 Gamecube Cheats
Enter the following codes at the main menu (not all work in career mode):
- Left, Left, Right, X, X, Right, L, R
- $1000 cash - Up, Down, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right, Left
- Best Buy Car
Trainer Angry Birds all version & all game angry birds
Cheat Trainer Angry Birds
1. Download trainernya Disini
2. Extract filenya (trainer)
3. Sekarang buka angry_birds_plus2_trainer.exe Lalu klik "Start Game"
4. Cari aplikasi Angry Birds yang bertulisan AngryBirds.Exe
5. Klik open, lalu otomatis game Angry Brids kamu terbuka
6. Bermain sampe puas
How to use The Cheat?
Before pulling the bird hit space (space) on the keyboard and release. To move press
Hot Keys :
Button U: Up
Button A: Down
Button H: Left
Button K: Right
Thanks for downloading the trainer.
hopefully your day fun.
Need For Speed - Mostwanted (Savegames) 100% TAMAT
Kalau dirasa sudah bosan menjalankan misi-misi di game Need For Speed Most Wanted dan ingin segera tamat, sebenarnya kita bisa memanfaatkan savegame.
Untuk menggunakan savegame tamat Need For Speed Most Wanted ini tinggal di download, ekstrak, kemudian kopikan ke folder savegame NFSMW yang ada di komputer kita.
Untuk menggunakan savegame tamat Need For Speed Most Wanted ini tinggal di download, ekstrak, kemudian kopikan ke folder savegame NFSMW yang ada di komputer kita.
Cara Install Savegame Tamat Need For Speed Most Wanted
- Download savegamenya CFU.rar disini
- Extract file CFU.rar yang telah didownload tadi
- Klik kanan pada folder CFU
- Klik Copy
- Buka Mu Documents di komputer
- Kemudian masuk ke folder NFS MOST WANTED
- Lalu Klik kanan dan Paste ke folder tersebut
Mengunakan Savegame Tamat Need For Speed Most Wanted
- Jalankan game Need For Speed Most Wanted
- Pada saat memilih profil, pilih CFU
- Selesai, kita tinggal mainkan NFSMW dengan profil yang sudah tamat
Mengubah atau mengganti nama profil savegame Need For Speed Most Wanted
- Download toolsnya disini
- Extract file SaveEditor.rar yang telah didownload tadi
- Buka SaveEditor.exe
- Klik profil CFU
- Ganti namanya sesuai keinginan anda di "Alias"
- Jika sudah, klik Save lalu klik Quit
- Jalankan game Need For Speed Most Wanted
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